I am trying to imagine how our lives are about to change. I have prepared for the worst and prayed for less than the best(hehe). A lot of people who adopt use the term "paper pregnancy". We were paper pregnant for 2 years and 2 mos. Its easy to put somethings out of your mind in 2yrs. I would try to dream up an image of a perfect little girl, then would push it out of my mind. Of course at the time I thought that it was a survival technique keeping me from going crazy while I waited. I have thought about this a lot in the past month since I saw his face. There is definitely a reason I had trouble dreaming up a little girls face. I was the mother of a little boy and I knew it even though I didn't know it! It was like a mother giving birth and the doctor showing her the face of her baby for the first time. He is the most beautiful child I have ever laid eyes on (Trace of course running a close second) Well, I actually have strayed way away from the original subject of this post (go figure). What I meant to say is life is going to change like nothing we have ever known. I mean, we are 35 and quite used to doing what we want when we want. We welcome the change though. What we also welcome is love and advice from anyone! We are not about to think that we know what we are doing. I do want to take the time to thank my family. Sandra for everything under the sun! I want to let my sister know that I love her for all the future advice I'm going to use her for. We received our Letter Of Acceptance today(L.O.A.)! Quite a big deal. With that we were told that we will travel in 4 to 8 wks. So I may post 1 or 2 more times before we go and probably none while we are there, but we did buy a video camera and will have lots to share when we get back.
Well I hope you enjoy the picture!
Well I hope you enjoy the picture!