I don't remember when I first thought about China. When I worked at Scafidi's, I waited on a couple who had adopted from China. I remember having really good feelings about it. The first time it was mentioned to Joe and I, was when we first met with Helen Irvin of Children's home society. Helen, really did not tell us what we wanted to hear about domestic adoption (From the idea of having to be chosen by the birth mother to the fact that the father can come back and claim custody, or the Mother changing her mind at the last minute.) From the beginning she suggested international. That was not even an option for Joe. I don't think that he could conceive the idea, he had never been exposed to different race families. For the next year we talked about infertility treatments and even surrogacy. We knew that we did not want to be the type of people that were always consumed with having a baby. We just wanted it to not be so emotional.
We met with Helen again a year or so later, and she again mentioned international. Joe, had said NO from the beginning. He worked with someone who had very successful Domestic adoptions, and was sure we could do the same. He reluctantly agreed to go to a meeting with Chinese Children Adoption International Agency. The meeting was on a Saturday, and Sandra, went with us. They talked in great lengths about the process, how it was strenuous but rewarding. Joe didn't get involved with the conversation much. Then, they put on this DVD, about the problem in China and the orphanages. All of a sudden Joe started using the word WHEN instead of IF. That was it!!! Sandra and I for months had tried to change his mind and all it took was the picture of a baby girl in a crib. So, my reasons were that it may be a lengthy and hard process, but it is not so emotionally hard. As for Joe, It was just seeing a baby. There you have it. Why China.